Wednesday 25 November 2015

Plant Names

I often think I need to become a bit more informed when it comes to plant names and their requirements!  I suppose I am a mother first, a photographer second and then a gardener and everything else after that! 
I originally started BGSA because I wanted to let people show off their gardens in a really nice way.  I found I actually know very little regarding plants, their names and their requirements, and so here is my little place for research and learning!  I know you can find information about plants elsewhere, but I thought I would write down the ones I have photographed in your gardens, and learn something at the same time!

If you are interested, simply click on the plant name below to find it's individual information.

Acanthus Mollis ( Oyster Plant ) 
Forget me not

Kangaroo Paw
Lambs Ears
Marguerite Daisy ( Argyranthemum )
Snowball Tree  ( Viburnum Opulus )

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